Oil Change and Lube Services


Oil changes start at $29.95

Anytime you have car troubles, you want a sound mechanic to do the job right. But how many horror stories are out there about mediocre servicing, surprise costs, and unexpected maintenance issues? Who wants the hassle?

While it is highly recommended to do your research on auto repair shops, we’re here to help alleviate the process. Here at Neese Automotive we are strong proponents of consistent oil change service on our vehicles. We are the experts you want to rely on for determining what type of and how many oil changes you need for the specific vehicle and type of driving you do. Are there bad cars or just badly maintained cars?

It’s a fact that preventive maintenance is the basic ingredient to a long-lived, reliable vehicle. But how does one define “maintenance”? The dime-store answer is: Read your owner’s manual and define your driving habits. The engine is the most expensive part of any vehicle, so preserving it is fundamental. And the most important part of preserving the engine is changing oil, which must be performed on schedule, using high-quality oil of the proper viscosity. That part is easy. The more complicated part is determining what constitutes “on schedule,” and selecting the right oil. Although it might not be as simple as it sounds, begin by reviewing your owner’s manual. Today’s terminology can be complex, but it is essential to understand which maintenance schedule-most manuals include two schedules-is right for your vehicle and your driving habits.


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  • Diesel Repair
  • Air Conditioning Service
  • CV Axles
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Emission Repair
  • Facility
  • Tune Ups
  • Oil Changes & Lube
  • Brake Service
  • Clutch Repairs
  • Truck & Fleet Repairs
  • Towing
  • Electrical
  • Exhaust Systems
  • and more...