Disposing of waste oil properly

When servicing your vehicle ensure that you are not pouring old fluids onto the ground, in a river, ditch, storm sewer, garbage or anywhere other than environmentally safe places. Here are some tips for disposing old fluids from your vehicle:

  • Use a dirt-free pan that can hold as many quarts as your vehicle can and has not been used for anything besides motor oil.
  • Do not mix used motor oil with anything else such as antifreeze, gasoline, pesticides etc.
  • Transfer your used motor oil to a clean leak-proof plastic container with a screw-on-top.
  • Contact a local gas station, garage, or oil change station to ask where you can dispose of your used oil. Companies that work with used motor fluids will generally accept your used oil.
  • Do not keep used oil around longer than you have to, as there is the risk of puncturing the container you are using.
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