Check out this weeks TOP REPAIR! This customer brought us her car and complained of no air conditioning.
Upon inspection we found an animal had chewed through the housing and wiring in the dash on the passenger side. With the help of her Auto Insurance Company (that will cover expenses minus your deductible for these types of issues among others) we were able to restore her air conditioning, repair all the damage and we even found a LOST WALMART GIFT CARD!!! Value was over $130.00 ~
When she left she had her groceries paid for, air conditioning blowing through her vents at 38* and a cleaner car then when she brought it in.
If you live in the woods/ near trees/ or anywhere animals frequent and they have done damage to your car, call us today and we can help you get everything fixed just like this customer!
Happy Fathers Day Weekend to all our customer and friends ~~~
Neese Automotive
Your Auto Repair Shop for Fort Walton, Shalimar, Destin, Mary Esther and surrounding areas